My Digital Artefact


As previously mentioned in a post (Annotated bibliography), for one of my subjects this semester (BCM112- Convergent Media Practises), I am completing a digital artefact.

Our description for this assignment was basically:

  1. Create something online..anything
  2. Gain traction

After weeks of procrastination and pondering ideas, I decided I would review popular televisions shows (such as Game of Thrones and Orange is the New Black) based upon my first impressions of the show. I am carrying out this idea through a YouTube channel and am progressively posting more reviews.

So if you’re interested at all, go check out my YouTube channel!

Until next time, that’s this week Pinned.

Everyone’s a journalist. Yes, that includes you!

In a world surrounded by Tweeters and poster’s, everyone’s a journalist. Yes, that includes you!

Think of a journalist…Now think of every time you have found out a news piece from somewhere other than a news platform. All of those times outside of news platforms are in fact citizen journalism.

Citizen journalism involves the concept that everyone is a journalist and that in today’s society, people anywhere can brake news any time.

See my YouTube video for more!

Some more information on citizen journalism can be found below:

Until next time, that’s this week Pinned.

What’s your similarity?

Have you ever experienced knowing someone through their online persona and finding that they’re someone completely different in person? I know I have.

So how similar are you to your online persona?

Persona is defined as “the mask or façade presented tosatisfy the demands of the situation or the
environment and notrepresenting the inner personality of the individual; the public personality” ( 

In it’s simplest form, persona is the self you portray to others, based on how you want to be perceived. Persona is demonstrated through the online self largely through Instagram, where many ‘Insta-famous’ celebrities have inputted their opinions on the topic.

A famous example of an Insta-celebrity confessing to creating a ‘fake’ online persona is Essena O’Neill. O’Neill is an Australian teen who was famous on Instagram, before she ‘quit’ the platform, claiming her online persona had become much too fake and that she no longer felt she was reflecting her true self online.

Essena O’Neill re-captions Instagram posts with REAL LIFE Image via:
Image via:

For more information on Essena O’Niell’s rebellion against online persona, see below:


Until next time, that’s this week Pinned.

Mix’n It Up

Remix culture

Remixing- because what’s more satisfying than something that’s already good…being made even better! Check out my Prezi for information on remix culture and remixing music and film!

Image via:

Check out my prezi using the link below:

*Please bare in mind, this was my first EVER attempt at a Prezi*

*Yes, I’m behind the times and am a powerpoint girl*

Until next time, that’s this week Pinned.


Digital artefact- Annotated bibliography

As an assignment for the subject ‘Convergent Media Practices’ that I am currently undertaking, I am to curate a digital artefact. Upon production, I was to find 10 sources and annotate them with reference to my digital artefact.

As my digital artefact I have created a YouTube channel and will be reviewing popular television shows such as Game of Thrones (which I still have not yet seen) based upon my first impressions.

More information on my digital artefact coming soon!

BCM112 Annotated bibliography

    This source was found to be very useful in relation to my digital artefact. This source enabled me to gain a further understanding of the popularity of current television shows and people’s views towards these shows. This website had discussion forums for each television show which enabled me to gain an understanding of audience participation. This website enabled me to form ideas about the way in which certain reviews may be received. For example, ‘Game of Thrones’ reviews will receive wider attention than ‘Orange is the new Black’ reviews, due to the audience’s participation levels.
    This source not only provided me with a detailed list of current popular television shows, but also provided examples of reviews on television shows. This source is highly relevant to the formation of my digital artefact as I was able to gain ideas of shows to review and also view previously recorded reviews of shows similar to those I will be reviewing. This demonstrated techniques used to engage an audience and way to constructively review an episode/ series. Although my reviews will differ from those posted on the ‘Hollywood Reporter’ website, this was a good starting point to gain ideas of certain factors to acknowledge within my reviews.
    I found the Reddit link for ‘Orange is the new Black’ highly useful in relation to my digital artefact. Through this page I was able to form an idea of the audience’s involvement and engagement with the series, and hence get an idea at the way my review of the series may be received. This source showed me that ‘Orange is the new Black’ fans utilise online media to share ideas about the show, which indicates that my review of she series based on first impressions will be widely received. I found the site ‘Reddit’ slightly difficult to navigate initially however; upon investigation I found the source very intriguing.
    The Reddit link for ‘Suits’ again demonstrated a high level of audience participation in discussion about the show. However, the level of discussion on Reddit was not as high as it was on the ‘Orange is the new Black’ page. This allowed me to gain understanding that my review for ‘Suits’ may not be as widely received as that of certain other show-reviews. I found this source useful in forming content to use in my digital artefact, as the show is clearly a very popular and engaging piece within current online media and is therefore an appropriate choice to review.
    I found the ‘Game of Thrones’ Reddit page was very unique. This page clearly demonstrated the immense popularity of the show and identified that it is by far the most popular television show out of the three studied. This enabled me to gain an understanding that my review on ‘Game of Thrones’ will most likely be the one most widely viewed and interacted with, due to the large activity online by fans. This enables me to ensure that my review for ‘Game of Thrones’ is particularly aimed at those interested in the show and to pay close attention to detail within this review.
    This source is highly relevant to the formation of my digital artefact. As a first-time YouTuber, I was completely unaware of how to start and maintain a successful channel. The ‘Addicted 2 Success’ website identified and detailed 8 techniques which will help to operate a successful YouTube channel. This source provided me with details useful in starting and maintaining a successful channel which are skills I was previously unaware of. This source has provided me with the knowledge necessary in order to give my digital artefact the best chance at reaching a wide and engaged audience. Although this source did not take audience-interaction into account as Reddit did, I still found this source a useful piece.
    Catherine Rinereitman is a highly successful female film reviewer. Assessment of Catherine’s YouTube channel demonstrated ways to engage an audience and techniques used to critically and constructively review a piece. Although Catherine reviews films and I intend to review television shows, the source still proved very useful in gaining an understanding of what is necessary in writing a successful review. Catherine demonstrates that a channel can boost its popularity by including and acknowledging viewer participation, as she answers questions and comments on the pervious video’s topic. I found this a good idea and will attempt to include this in my digital artefact.
    The YouTube channel ‘What the Flick?!’ demonstrates reviews of television show-episodes from the perspective of a very successful group. ‘What the Flick’ has become one of the most successful television reviewing channels on YouTube. Although the videos are very conversational due to there being a panel-like set up, the reviews posted are very engaging. This allowed me to gain ideas of ways to speak when engaging an audience and ways to casualise my YouTube clips. The source was therefore very useful in formation of my digital artefact as it was a very successful example to gain inspiration from.
    I found the YouTube channel ‘Blind Film Critic’ to be very inspiring. Tommy Edison has become one of the most famous film reviewers on YouTube, as he has been blind since birth and uses this as a strength. Tommy takes a very ruthless approach to reviewing films and is very open to criticize what he disapproves of within films being reviewed. Tommy does a brilliant job of making criticism constructive and as a result, is very engaging. The honest and genuine theme behind ‘Blind Film Critic’ inspired me to ensure that I am genuine with my opinions and honest about my first impressions of the shows that I review.
    The major issue I was set to face upon creation of content for my digital artefact was confidence on camera. This source provided techniques and strategies to use in order to overcome confidence issues on camera. With the help of this source, I can acquire the skills required to produce engaging and clear videos. As I am reviewing content, it is vital that I display confidence in my opinion and this source has enabled me to do this. This source is highly relevant to the formation and success of my digital artefact and will aid in the formation of successful videos.

No, not multimedia…TRANSmedia.

“Transmedia storytelling is telling a story across multiple media and preferably, although it doesn’t always happen, with a degree of audience participation, interaction or collaboration.” (

The purpose behind transmedia storytelling is to disperse a message over multiple platforms in the attempt to spread content as widely as possible. The more channels by which content is distributed, the more detailed the storytelling will be.

Multimedia vs. Transmedia, what’s the difference?

Multimedia is a form more commonly known than Transmedia, and is often misconceived to be the same thing. Multimedia refers to a combination of communication forms, such as text, sound and video to form one piece of content. Transmedia however, focuses on the telling of a story via many mediums, such as games, television and film. Transmedia is demonstrated by the book trilogy ‘Harry Potter’ written by J.K. Rowling.


For more information about transmedia storytelling (one that is guaranteed to make more sense) see here:

Until next time, that’s this week Pinned.

Craft and Digital aesthetic, can you keep up?

Craft and digital making…I can’t keep up!

As defined by the Oxford dictionary, craft is “an activity involving skill in making things by hand”. Craft involves two components; manufacturing and craftsmanship. Manufacturing is considered a ‘safe’ and ‘certain’ production, however craftsmanship is considered to be ‘risky’.

Digital aesthetic is a component of craft and digital making that entails rapid prototyping, error discovery, modifications leading to unexpected outcomes. Digital aesthetic craftsmanship is demonstrated by Apple Inc. through iOS Software updates.


Apple is famous for constant innovation and upgrades, which is demonstrated through regular updates on their iOS software. Apple’s software updates strive to achieve faster speed’s and eliminate identified glitches. However, although such frequent updates are largely beneficial, consumers are facing an issue of not being able to keep up. Much like Apple, Instagram frequently updates it’s software. Instagram however, recently witnessed backlash against an update, as the audience did not want the application to progress this way. Instagram’s audience could not ‘keep up’ with its constant changes and petitioned against the company as a result. Instagram and their audience’s reaction to digital aesthetic is a case very relevant to craftsmanship.

For information on Instagram’s recent complaints, see:

Until next time, that’s this week Pinned.

Media Audiences

“The three primary forces involved in convergence are media industries, technological platforms and audiences”
– Henry Jenkins

Media audiences have changed over time to be much more active. Before digital and online media, audiences were limited as to their level of participation. In a society where media audiences now wish to actively participate in conversation online, factors such as Metadata create great controversy.

But what is Metadata?

Although Metadata laws in Australia may restrict some from feeling as if their privacy is being breached, the scheme is in place to protect. Metadata looks only for threats and although personal information may be stored and potentially accessed by the government, this only reiterates the message that ‘when you post something online, you can’t control it anymore’. Metadata therefore, does not control the way audiences communicate online, but merely aids in protecting the audiences from potential harm.

For more information on Metadata in Australia, see below:

Until next time, that’s this week Pinned.

21st Century Media, there’s no escape.

As time progresses, the impact and amount of media platforms is rapidly expanding. As of the 21st Century, mobile Internet access is at an all-time high. Mobile Internet access is resulting in the concept that as of 2016, there really is no escaping the media.

With mobile phones having become a ‘pocket computer’ of sorts, the impact that media platforms have on everyday life is constantly increasing. With such a strong ‘always online’ presence upon today’s society, mobile phones have become an essential part of everyday online communicative life.


With modern society having such a strong emphasis on the importance of mobile phones, a hugely competitive marked has emerged. Therefore sparking the ‘Apple vs. Android’ debate.

‘IOS. vs. Android’.

In terms of popularity, Apple and Android are head to head, with many conflicting views as to which is the ‘better’ choice. Apple takes a much less customised approach, with a controlled platform and closed devices. Android however, is popular among those who wish to customise and alter their device, with an open platform and garden. There are positive and negative aspects to both contestants, so I feel it is simply a matter of personal choice.

I’ll admit, I’m an Apple girl, but I’ve attempted to be unbiased…

If you are intrigued and less biased than I am, feel free to form a stronger opinion here:

Until next time, that’s this week Pinned.

Is copyright right?

Here it is again, your lovely arch-nemesis of all things internet. Copyright; The schoolyard bully who restricts you from watching that favourite tv show on a not-so-safe website and the parent who watches over everything you write in your school work, ensuring you’re doing the right thing. We all know Copyright as the demon who stubbornly withholds free access and use of all the goods that the world’s geniuses and pop-stars provide, but do we know how right copyright really is?

Copyright, although annoying and a hassle for the public, is in place to protect the owners and creator’s of original work’s.


Copyright is therefore, very right.

For more information surrounding the topic of copyright, see:

Until next time, that’s this week Pinned.